Doubling Farmers’ Income: Scope and Strategy at Jharkhand
By Kumud Singh and Deepak Kumar Jaiswal | 31-12-2019 | Page: 109-112
Food security and doubling of farmer’s income by 2022 is one of the top Government’s agenda because in past strategy for development of the agriculture sector in India has focused primarily on raising agricultural output while production stagnates and prices were found unstable. The greatest challenge to the agriculture in the years to come is to provide adequate food to burgeoning population in order to combat with hunger and malnutrition. Previously agricultural production has been increased through better technology and varieties and enhanced use of fertilizers, irrigation and agro-chemicals. This strategy paid dividends as the country was able to address massive food shortage during mid-1960s. Since the adoption of green revolution, India’s food production multiplied 3.7 times while the population multiplied by 2.55 times. But this strategy did not explicitly recognize the need to raise farmer’s income and did not mention any direct measure to promote farmer’s welfare. Therefore, it is essential and need of the hour that every state has to mobilize their own strategies and achieve the goal of doubling farmer’s income. Although with proper coordination and efforts among centre, state and participation of farmers, the country can achieve the goal of doubling farmer’s income. As Jharkhand government is already on the right path of achieving the goal of doubling farmer’s income by the year 2022.