Best Management Practices for Organic Sugarcane and Organic Jaggery Production
By C. P. Chandrashekar, Sharanappa Kuri, B. A. Shridevi, S. B. Patil, B. T. Nadagouda and P. B. Thippannavar | 30-04-2021 | Page: 57-60
Field experiment was on organic nutrient management practices for organic jaggery production consists of three genotypes as main plot and five nutrient management practices (N1: 100 per cent organics through 1/3rd each of farm yard manure (FYM), vermicompost (VC), integrated green manure of sun hemp (IGM) equivalent to recommended dose of nitrogen (RDN). N2: 100 per cent organics through 1/3rd each of FYM, VC, and Enriched Press mud (EPM) equivalent to RDN. N3: 100 per cent organics through 1/4th each of FYM, VC, IGM and EPM of equivalent to RDN. N4: 100 per cent inorganic through only chemical fertilizers (250:75:190 kg of N: P2O5:K2O ha-1, respectively). N5: Recommended Practices as per package of practice (RPP)). The results reveal that Co-Snk 0632 during 2013-14, Co-Snk 05104 (SNK 814) during 2014-15 and Co-Snk 7680 during 2015-16 recorded higher cane yield than other genotypes. Among the organic treatments N2 recorded higher cane yield, sugar yield and jaggery yield than other organic treatments. RPP recorded higher net returns (Rs. 193 thousand ha-1) for sugarcane production, whereas, jaggery production with organic nutrient management and marketed at premium price (N2) recorded higher net returns (Rs. 287 thousand ha-1) and B:C ratio (2.22) than other treatments.