
Effects on Growth and Yields of Sweet corn using Internet of Things (IoT) Based Smart Drip Irrigation and ETc Based Drip Irrigation Systems

By C. D. Singh and Vinod Kumar S. | 05-01-2024 | Page: 87-95


Growth and yields of sweet corn using an IoT-based and an ET–based drip irrigation system is evaluated. Growth characteristics (plant height, yield, and water productivity) were compared for both approaches. For IoT based soil moisture method, two irrigation regimes were used: 43.5 per cent and 34.8 per cent of volumetric soil moisture. For ET-based method, only one i.e. crop evapotranspiration (ETc100 per cent). It has been found that the IoT-SM43.5 per cent produce higher yields of 12.05% and water savings by 11% compared to the ETc100 per cent-based irrigation method. The results indicate that best irrigation scheduling strategy is determined for commercial production: keeping the soil water content near field capacity which result a better fresh yield and less dry matter.


Drip irrigation systems, Growth and yield, Internet of things, Sweet corn

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