Input Energy Use in Selected Farm Operations with Different Sources of Farm Power
By S. P. Singh, Utpal Ekka and D. K. Vatsa | 30-04-2021 | Page: 47-56
The energy use in agriculture is increasing due to employment of modern technologies and inputs to achieve timeliness in operation and higher yield of the crops. The increasing use of fossil energy (commercial energy) have drawn global attention due to release of greenhouse gases while combustion process. Therefore, input energy use pattern was analysed for various sources of farm powers like, human, animate, mechanical (tractor and power tiller) and electrimate in sowing and weeding operations. Published information on energy norms and standard methodologies were applied for calculating total energy in both farm operations. The energy use in sowing operations with electric (battery-assisted) seeder was recorded minimum (56.38 MJ/ha) as compared to other sowing devices. The input energy use in weeding operations with electric (battery-assisted) weeder was 175.6 MJ/ha as compared to other studied weeding devices operated by tractor, animal and human beings. Energy use analysis indicated the suitability of electric weeder and seeder for marginal and small land holding farmers for its effective use in light to medium heavy category of soils.